Community Garden

Growing Food …Growing Awareness …Growing Compassion

Visit The University Church Garden website at

In the Spring of 2010, The University Church relocated to a new home situated on nine acres of land located on the south side of Hill Avenue between Richards Road and Reynolds Road in Toledo. Our top priority is to utilize the land we have available for the good of the community and so we initiated a program to develop a community garden on the property.The purpose of the garden is threefold:

  • Growing Food … In these difficult economic times, many people are finding it difficult to provide food for themselves and their families. Often, fresh fruits and vegetables are simply excluded from consideration because of cost and so nutrition problems can develop, especially among children. We grow fruits and vegetables and make these available through a variety of distribution methods to assist those in need.
  • Growing Awareness … It is estimated by the Census Bureau that 24.7% of people in Toledo live at or below the federally-defined poverty level and yet many people are simply unaware of the plight of their neighbors. By becoming a public presence working to combat hunger and poverty, we will help make people aware of the very troubling situation in our neighborhood.
  • Growing Compassion … Once an individual becomes involved in helping others, it is our experience that compassion grows and people are changed. We hope to grow compassion within our church family and among our neighbors.

The University Church is a host site for the AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteers In Service To America) Program through The Ohio Association of Foodbanks.

Around our garden

Our community garden includes an orchard, and apiary, chicken coops, raised beds, greenhouses, garden sheds and hoop houses.

Making honey and making our gardens grow

Our apiary serves two important purposes; first, the bees help to pollinate our plants and increase our yields of fruits and vegetables. Second, bees make honey and honey tastes good!

Many local farms, companies and individuals have contributed materially to the success of our community garden through the donation of goods and supplies, as well as through financial contributions. To find out how you, your company, or your organization can help, please contact us.

Come and get involved!

You can be involved in developing our community garden and making a real difference in our community. Every week, volunteers meet at the church to get their hands dirty and work in the garden. Come and make some new friends this week! Meeting times vary at different times of year so please contact us for more details. You can find our Community Garden on facebook here.

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