Whether you are an experienced green-thumb or a novice gardener, you are welcome to come grow with us. That’s right, it’s time to sign up for your plot in TUC Garden’s community garden.
For more information and to reserve your spot in our community garden, please contact our Garden Director, Cassie, at tuc.gardendirector@gmail.com by April 14, 2021.
Save the date: April 17, 2021 – 2021 Community Gardener Meeting – virtual format.
TUC Garden community gardeners work hard to grow and provide fresh produce for themselves and for people experiencing food insecurity in the Toledo area. As we prepare to kick-off the 2021 garden season, please consider making a donation to support our community garden soil amendment and raised bed repair projects. With your help we can have everything ready for our fantastic community gardeners by the end of April. Click here to donate and please include “community garden” in the text box next to “Community Garden Outreach”. Thank you for helping to make our garden grow!