Bringing home a new baby can be stressful for anyone, but imagine also dealing with housing insecurity, food insecurity, or domestic violence at the same time.
The University Church’s Community Health Worker, Ms. Sheila, stands in the gap for many new moms in our community. Dedicated to reducing infant and maternal mortality rates, Ms. Sheila works hard to help her clients access community resources while offering support and guidance.
One of the ways that we can support this work in our community is to supply our Community Health Worker with diapers (in any size) and baby wipes. Access to diapering supplies is one of the primary needs of clients and it is a simple and practical way for the church community to support new parents.
You can make a monetary donation for diapers through The University Church’s website or you may call the church office at 419.534.3080 to arrange a donation drop-off. Thank you for considering partnering with our Community Health Worker to support new moms and their little ones.