Hi friends,
I hope you are doing well. I know these are challenging times, so please feel free to reach out to me if you are struggling. If you know someone else who is struggling and could use a phone call or encouragement, please let me know.
During this time when we cannot meet in person, many people are working to establish community and connection online. I miss seeing all of you and would love to connect. As such, I will be hosting community check-ins for The University Church on Mondays and Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
The Monday schedule will be:
1:00 p.m.: Chat room style at this link: http://tlk.io/theuniversitychurch
8:00 p.m.: Video “facetime” style at this link: join.me/theuniversitychurchtoledo
The Thursday schedule will be:
1:00 p.m.: Video “facetime” style at this link: join.me/theuniversitychurchtoledo
8:00 p.m.: Chat room style at this link: http://tlk.io/theuniversitychurch
Check-ins will begin Thursday, March 26th. I will post this information on Facebook and also post a reminder 30-60 minutes before each check-in is scheduled to begin.
This schedule allows for you to engage with the style and time that works best for you. Of course, you are also free to attend as many of them as you would like. The more the merrier!
I hope to see you at one (or more!) of our community check-ins soon!
Grace and Peace,