A Letter From Tyler Freeman, Garden Director

At the end of this year, I will be leaving my position as garden director. I feel it is the right time for me to pursue other opportunities and move in a new direction. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone at the church for giving me the chance to work here. It’s been a great experience and I’m glad I was able to do it. I’ve learned a lot, met a lot of awesome and supportive people, and hopefully made a positive impact on the church and community.

Along with the garden staff, I’m currently working on a plan for the next growing season, to serve as a blueprint for the next garden director. It is my hope that with this plan in place, my successor can continue with and improve upon the things we’ve done over the past year. Our two AmeriCorps VISTA members, Jen and Amy, will be on board until the end of June, when their service terms end. They’ve been an integral part of the garden and will work closely with the next garden director to move everything forward.

I hope everyone realizes that the church is truly a positive force in our community. I’ve seen first hand how the church makes a difference in the lives of many people. Whether it’s volunteers helping at the food pantry, kids involved in our school program, food pantry recipients, or community gardeners, the cumulative impact of the church is great. Although it takes a lot of effort to keep each facet of the church running from day to day, I believe that the effort is ultimately worth it. I trust that, with the continued effort of all volunteers, staff, and parishioners, the church will continue to be a force for good.

If anyone would like to speak directly to me about my departure or anything garden related, feel free to contact me at 419-705-4899 or freemantyler206@gmail.com.

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